Direct Games¶
Direct games are games that take place on the users controler (ie: phone, tablet, comupter) instead of the screen
Direct games do not use YOUi’s controler, but instead use the native inputs provided by the players devise
Direct games is a great way to use engines built for standard html games
You can also setup your direct game to work with the main screen were the player uses there device as a custom controller. In this way you can make an even more emersive experince then a standard YOUi game.
Starting Script¶
To start your game you must include a seprate index.html and index.js that does not inclued you game and looks something like this.
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3 <head>
4 <title>Direct Connect</title>
5 <script src="/"></script>
6 </head>
7 <body>
9 <h1>Direct Connect</h1>
10 <p>To your player one controler</p>
11 <h2>Your game will start in seconds</h2>
12 <script src="index.js"></script>
13 </body>
1const socket = io();
2socket.emit('direct', '/path/to/game/index.html');
3setTimeout(function() {
4 window.location.href = '/photo.html?title=game.jpg&sec=card';
5 // The above code will display a photo you provide on the primary screen while the players play your game on their own devices
6 // The title varable gives the file path to your games photo.
7 // You can also add text on your photo by adding a txt file with the same filename as your photo
8 // The photo can be a .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif
9 }, 100);
It is a good idea to add a QR code in the picture to be displayd on the primary screen so other players can play your game too
Only the first player will be automatically directed to you game on their controller
If the redirect fails it is a good idea to have a QR code to allow them to try again.¶ is installed on the YOUi system and can be used for local online multiplayer as well as for giving sertain comainds to your game
If you include the javascript files listed below in “YOUi Integration” You can use the 18 sockets opened up for you for your game by the YOUi system
These sockets are general purpose and can be used at your own discretion or not at all.
There are 6 sockets for each player to talk to the primary screen. These are: loc_screen1, loc_screen2, loc_screen3, loc_screen4, loc_screen5, loc_screen6
There are 6 sockets to call to all players, but not the screen. These are loc1, loc2, loc3, loc4, loc5, loc6
There are 6 socket to call each player indiviually. loc_p1 calls player1, loc_p2, calls player 2, loc_p3 calls player 3, loc_p4 calls player 4, loc_p5 calls player 5, loc_p6 calls player 6
Each player is assined their own socket group when they connect there controller if they have connected there controller properly before fallowing the url to your game
Calling a local socket looks like this:
socket.emit('loc1', 'Something_happend!');
Session or local storage can be used for your game or game saves if you want to save to the users device.
Saving will not work on the main file system however because the it is set to read only and no changes are perminet
YOUi Integration¶
There are a few difrent ways to integrate your direct game with the rest of the YOUi system
You can provide a link to allow the player to easily get back to their YOUi controller
Using and the tin function
socket.emit('tin', [filename, 'card']);
you can change what the player sees on the main screen while they are playing your game. This can greatly anhance your game and the players experienceFilename
would be changed to the filename on you ame card that you would wish to be displayed on the screen.In order to use the tin function, you must inclued all the scripts required in a standard game as seen in the “Standard Games” section
These files whould inclued
<script src="/"></script><script src="NoSleep.js"></sript><script src="emulsion.js"></script>
You also should include this script in your main js file:
1function em_tinv(msg){}
2// This code is use to capture magic spells from the players controller and will cause errors if it is not inclueded in your file.
3// It also can be used to recieve inputs from the bar code scanner built into the YOUi system